We are pleased to announce that the latest release of Cart Viper 3.1.0 is now available. This release contains new features, improvements and bug fixes that build upon our existing module.

The highlights of this release are

  • Razor Support – We now have built-in support for using Razor files in the templates. You can now easily perform advanced customisations of the store using your own snippets. We’ll be creating some examples using Razor other the coming weeks.

  • Predictive Search – As the site visitor types into the search field we suggest terms based on the content of the index.

  • Category Menu – The category menu in Cart Viper can now be rendered with a Razor script, so you can output the catalogue categories however you like and use custom jQuery plugins for example to style the menu.

  • Cloud Digital Downloads – Store digital download files in the cloud and give paying customers secure access to download the file directly from Amazon S3 or Azure.

  • Medium Trust Support – We have restored support for medium trust sites.

  • Speed Improvements – The store will run even quicker in this latest release. We have managed to improve the performance even further.

We have a free 14 day trial available to all. http://www.cartviper.com/free-trial

If you are an existing customer then you can download the latest release from the free trial page.

Cart Viper is ecommerce module for the DNN Platform which turns your CMS website into a revenue generating source. With simple setup its easy to start selling with plenty of advanced features to help turn your browsers into paying customers.