View from inside the viper

Cart Viper Features Version 1.4.1

  November 4, 2011 16:16
by Nigel

Following on our discussion of new features of version 1.4.1 of Cart Viper the DNN shopping cart we are going to discuss a few of the smaller features that have been added:

Import product data sheet via CSV file:

In version 1.4.0 we added the ability to include a data sheet for a product, we have now extended our .CSV product import to allow you to import the product data sheet location. Importing the data sheet field is straight forward, you simply add the column “PDFDataSheet” then reference the datasheet relative to the portal root folder.


The above example shows a valid .CSV import file, in our example our sample.pdf is located in the below folder on our server:


Before the import occurs you should either ensure the PDF is already on the server either by uploading via the “Admin File Manager” or by using FTP to place the PDF on the server then clicking “Synchronize files”.

Template Driven Mini Cart

In order to give you more control and flexibility of the look and feel of the Cart Viper mini cart control we have now made this control template based as per the other Cart Viper controls.

The benefits of this are:

  • Each portal can have their own customized different mini cart.
  • Content can now be easily injected into the cart e.g. images, text, hyperlinks, etc
  • Skin objects can now be injected into the mini cart control

The below screenshot shows the basic Cart Viper mini cart template and a number of the token that are supported:


Category Description Now Supports Full HTML Content

We have now extended the category description to support full HTML content. By using the standard HTML editor you can now enter any HTML content for a category description and have it output on the product catalogue page:

Admin interface


Example Output


These features were made based on client feedback if you have any suggestions please contact us.

Quantity Discount Bands

  October 27, 2011 12:16
by Nigel

A further new feature in release 1.4.1 of Cart Viper the advanced DotNetNuke shopping cart is the ability to define quantity discount bands. This means you can specify discounts based on the quantity of a product that a user purchases.

Configuring quantity discount bands is a straight forward process, once the product has been added to the store, select the “Qty Discount” tab:


From the above example you can see we have created 3 discount bands meaning the user will receive the following discounts:

  • Purchase 1 –10 of this product and receive a 2% discount per product off the product base price.
  • Purchase 11 –20 of this product and receive a 3% discount per product off the product base price.
  • Purchase 21 – 50 of this product and receive a 4% discount per product off the product base price.

In our example we have chosen to offer a percentage discount, however it is also possible to enter a unit price that the customer should be charged by unselecting “percentage discount”.

When quantity discount bands have been configured for a product they will be outputted on the product details page clearly showing the banding and the amount they will be charged per unit:


Variant Image Support

  October 27, 2011 11:39
by Nigel

One of the more advanced features added to release 1.4.1 of Cart Viper the DNN shopping cart is the ability to define a different image for each product variant, then when the user selects that variant combination that image is then automatically displayed as the main product image.

Configuring variant images in Cart Viper is a straight forward 4 step process:

Step 1: Create your product as normal in the store admin, in this example we are going to create a poster so when the user selects the different poster type the appropriate image is then displayed to them.

Step 2: Create the variant type for your product, in our example we are going to create a variant “poster type” and enter the different type of posters we are going to sell:


Step 3: Upload your product images that will be displayed for the variants – this is completed via the standard product images tab:


Note you can still define the main product image (highlighted in yellow) – this will be the default image and will be displayed on the product catalogue, initially on the product details page and also if you do not specify a variant image.

Step 4: From the variants tab select “variant images”, from here you will see all the images you have uploaded for this product along with each possible variant combination. Now it is simply a case of matching the variant combination to the correct image:


As explained earlier it is not necessary to assign each variant combination an image as the default product image will be displayed in that event. It is now possible to view the results, the following link shows our example, note when the user changes the variant the image and the price update to reflect the options that the user is currently looking at.

Release 1.4.1 Coming Soon!

  September 12, 2011 12:14
by Nigel

Here at Cart Viper the DNN shopping cart we are putting the finishes touches to version 1.4.1 and hope to complete our final testing and do a general release  by the end of September 2011. This new version is packed full of new features and improvements.

Some of the major new features we have added are:

  • Variant Images – Now you can define a different image for each variant combination, for example a different image for a red, blue or green t-shirt. When the user selects that variant combination the image will be displayed to them.
  • Moderate Offline Orders – optionally choose that offline orders require moderation before being accepted by the store, allows store admin to add, remove and update items in an order.
  • Mini-Cart Template Driven – alter the “Mini Cart” module to use the advanced templating system of Cart Viper allowing you to easily alter the look and feel of the mini cart.
  • Qty Discounts – allow the store admin to define discounts based on the number of items the user is purchasing.
  • Supplier Management – allows suppliers to be entered into Cart Viper and then optionally assign each product to a supplier.

There are many more features and improvements in version 1.4.1, to view the full list of features and to view what we have planned for release 1.5 please checkout our roadmap.

If you have any feature requests please let us know and we would be happy to discuss them with you.

Using Skin Objects in Cart Viper – Part 2

  August 28, 2011 15:08
by Mark

Part 1 of of using skin object in Cart Viper focused on using an existing skin objects to add content to the templates used in our module. This part will focus on how to create custom skin objects to manipulate the product and category objects in Cart Viper.

Since release 1.4.0 we have add the ability for you to customise the output of the store using skin object, today I want to show you an advanced feature that lets you write custom code in .net to create skin objects which you can use in the store templates.

Lets take an example, I’ve got my store all setup but really want to display the logo for the manufacturer of each product. Cart Viper has no way to do this, however creating a custom skin object we can read the manufacturer value for the product and output a logo with ease.

Display an icon for the manufacturer


Displaying a Manufacturer Logo for a Product

Lets take a walk through creating the skin object to see how it works.

First I’ve uploaded my logos into a folder I’ve created in my portal home directory. I’m going to have my skin object display these on the product details page.

Folder contain the logos to use for the products

Next I’m going to create a new project in Visual Studio, I just need a Web Application Project, its important that we create this with in the DesktopModules folder. Notice that we don’t need to check “Create directory for solution”.

Creating the new project for the skin object

In order to create a skin object we need to inherit from a base class in DotNetNuke plus we want to use an interface from Cart Viper to allow the skin object to get Product object.
So we need to add two references to files located in the /bin folder of the portal.

Solution explorer showing the reference and the singel ascx control

When first creating the project Visual Studio will create some default folders and files which we don’t need so I’ve deleted those and added a single web User Control called ManfacturerLogo.ascx.

An important setting you need to make is to have the build output directly into the /bin folder of the portal.

Setting the build output path to the /bin folder

Lets take a look at the code in the ascx file, I’ve just got an image control which will output the logo for the manufacturer.

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" 
Inherits="ManufacturerLogoSkinObject.ManufacturerLogo" %>

<asp:Image runat="server" ID="imgManLogo" Visible="false"/>

Looking at the code behind file shows how the skin object works.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using DotNetNuke.UI.Skins;
using CartViper.Modules.Store.Components.SkinObject;

namespace ManufacturerLogoSkinObject
    public partial class ManufacturerLogo : SkinObjectBase, ICartViperSkinObject
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Product != null)
                //get the manufacturer value, if its not null or empty
                //make into the path to the url for the logos folder
                string manufacturer = Product.Manufacturer;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(manufacturer))
                    imgManLogo.ImageUrl = string.Format(
											PortalSettings.HomeDirectory + 
											manufacturer.Replace(" ", ""));

                    imgManLogo.AlternateText = manufacturer;
                    imgManLogo.Visible = true;

        public CartViper.Modules.Store.Catalog.CategoryInfo Category

        public CartViper.Modules.Store.Catalog.ProductInfo Product

Looking at the code the important parts to notice the class inheritance, we need to use SkinObjectBase which is located in the DotNetNuke.UI.Skins as the base class.
We are also implementing the interface CartViper.Modules.Store.Components.SkinObject.ICartViperSkinObject this interface allows the template engine in Cart Viper the ability to set the properties Category and Product with the current product data.

Note its only in the following templates that the ICartViperSkinObject properties will be set by the template engine.

  • ProductDetail.htm
  • ProductList.htm

In other templates the Category and Product properties will not be set and will be null.

The main work is completed in the Page_Load method, we check to see if we have Product object and then if the product has a value for the manufacturer property. We then remove all spaces from the manufacturer value and load that as the image source.

To use the module in DotNetNuke we need to have a DNN file to install the skin object.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<dotnetnuke type="Package" version="5.0">
    <package name="ManufacturerLogo" type="SkinObject" version="01.00.00">
            <name>Cart Viper</name>
            <component type="SkinObject">
            <component type="File">
            <component type="Assembly">

Then finally we just add the skin object into our ProductDetail.htm to get the manufacturer logo into the product details page.

<div class="StoreDetailContainer">
  <div class="StoreDetailContainer-Content">
    <div class="Normal productDetailPadding">[EDIT][MODELNAME] - [MODELNUMBERVALUE]</div>
    <div style="float:right">[SKINOBJECT:MANUFACTURERLOGO]</div>
    <div class="Normal productDetailPadding">
        <div style="clear:both;"></div>
        <div style="clear:both;"></div>
    <div class="StoreClear productDetailPadding">[MSRP]</div>
    <div class="StoreClear productDetailPadding">[PRICE] [VATPRICE]</div>
	<div class="Normal genericColour productDetailPadding">[AVERAGERATING]</div>
    <div class="productDetailPadding">[ADDTOCOMPARISONLIST]</div>
    <div class="productDetailPadding">[PRODUCTVISUAZLIER]</div>
    <div class="genericColour addToCartWrapper">[ADDQUANTITY] [ADDTOCART]</div>
    <div style="clear:both;"></div>
    <div class="Normal productDetailPadding">[FACEBOOKLIKEBUTTON]</div>


Using skin objects is a great way to customise Cart Viper, its lets you inject your own code and UI controls into the templates. Using this feature will let you tailor Cart Viper to your requirements with ease.

Download the source file

Using Skin Objects in Cart Viper Templates – Part 1

  August 26, 2011 18:28
by Mark

Since the first release of Cart Viper our DotNetNuke store we have supported a template based design and layout within our module. This allows the module to fit perfectly within a site simply by customising some XHTML files. Within the template files we have tokens which are replaced with data by the template engine when viewing the the store in a browser.

With the release of 1.4.0 we’ve taken this a step further and now allow you to insert skin objects into a template. The skin object will then be rendered into the template when browsing the store just like how we replace tokens.

Simple Skin Object Example

An existing skin object which comes as standard with DNN is the CURRENTDATE skin object, this when added to a template will output the current date.

A list of existing skin objects in DNN

As a very simple demo I’m going to modify the Product Detail (ProductDetail.htm) template to output this skin object after the model number at the top of the page.

To inject a skin object into a template we use [SKINOBJECT:NAME] where name is the skin object name, in this case CURRENTDATE.

<div class="StoreDetailContainer">
  <div class="StoreDetailContainer-Content">
    <div class="Normal productDetailPadding">[EDIT][MODELNAME] - [MODELNUMBERVALUE] [SKINOBJECT:CURRENTDATE]</div>
    <div class="Normal productDetailPadding">
        <div style="clear:both;"></div>
        <div style="clear:both;"></div>
    <div class="StoreClear productDetailPadding">[MSRP]</div>
    <div class="StoreClear productDetailPadding">[PRICE] [VATPRICE]</div>
	<div class="Normal genericColour productDetailPadding">[AVERAGERATING]</div>
    <div class="productDetailPadding">[ADDTOCOMPARISONLIST]</div>
    <div class="productDetailPadding">[PRODUCTVISUAZLIER]</div>
    <div class="genericColour addToCartWrapper">[ADDQUANTITY] [ADDTOCART]</div>
    <div style="clear:both;"></div>
    <div class="Normal productDetailPadding">[FACEBOOKLIKEBUTTON]</div>

When we then view the product details page you can see we’ve added the current date to the template.

Outputting the CURRENTDATE skin object in a template

Skin objects are regular ASP.Net objects so they can contain properties, using our template we can set values for the properties using this syntax.


So we could set the property DateFormat on the CURRENTDATE skin object to allow us to just display the year.

Here is our template with the property set.

<div class="StoreDetailContainer">
  <div class="StoreDetailContainer-Content">
    <div class="Normal productDetailPadding">[EDIT][MODELNAME] - [MODELNUMBERVALUE] [SKINOBJECT:CURRENTDATE(DateFormat,"yyyy")]</div>
    <div class="Normal productDetailPadding">
        <div style="clear:both;"></div>
        <div style="clear:both;"></div>
    <div class="StoreClear productDetailPadding">[MSRP]</div>
    <div class="StoreClear productDetailPadding">[PRICE] [VATPRICE]</div>
	<div class="Normal genericColour productDetailPadding">[AVERAGERATING]</div>
    <div class="productDetailPadding">[ADDTOCOMPARISONLIST]</div>
    <div class="productDetailPadding">[PRODUCTVISUAZLIER]</div>
    <div class="genericColour addToCartWrapper">[ADDQUANTITY] [ADDTOCART]</div>
    <div style="clear:both;"></div>
    <div class="Normal productDetailPadding">[FACEBOOKLIKEBUTTON]</div>

The output now simply shows the current year.

Setting a property of a SKINOBJECT

The ability to add skin objects into your templates opens up the range of possibilities and ideas you can now implement.

We aren’t finished there we have one more Skin Object trick which you can use to make great ecommerce sites, take a look at Using Skin Objects in Cart Viper – Part 2 to see how you can extend Cart Viper using templates.

Multiple Payment Options

  August 16, 2011 11:09
by Nigel

One of the new features of Cart Viper the DNN shop, that has the potential to take your ecommerce website to the next level is the ability to now specify multiple payment options. This means that as well as accepting credit cards payment direct on your website you can also enable Paypal Web Payments Standard as an additional payment option.

This has the added benefit of catering for customers who would prefer to not share their credit cards details with your store, therefore increasing your sales conversion rate and ultimately making your online presence more profitable.

The multiple payment option is supported by our single page, 3 stage and 4 stage checkout options, so the store admin has complete control over the checkout user experience. Configuring your store to accept multiple payment options is straight forward you simply need to:

1) Via the payment section 1st select the payment gateway you wish to process credit card transactions:


In our example we will use however you could also select First Data or PayPal Pro.

2) The next step is to click “accept PayPal payment” and complete all the sections:


3) The final step is then to select which checkout option you would like either single page, 3 stage or 4 stage checkout – in our example we will use “SinglePage”:


Now when the user attempts to checks out they now have the option to enter their credit card details directly on the site or be transferred to Paypal to complete the transaction:


Note as well as accepting Paypal web payment standards and credit cards on your site, you can also enable Google Checkout and offline payment, this gives the store admin the flexibility to offer the payment mechanisms that best suit their business needs.

Cart Viper now supports the following payment options:

  • Authorize.Net
  • First Data
  • Google Checkout
  • Multi Safe
  • PayPal Website Payments Standard
  • PayPal Website Payments Pro
  • Prepaid Payment Points
  • Offline Payment
  • Request For Quote

If there is a payment gateway you would like to see in that list please contact us and we would be happy to discuss it with you.

Gift Certificates

  August 15, 2011 14:15
by Nigel

A further new feature that was added into the 1.4.0 release of Cart Viper the advanced DotNetNuke ecommerce solution is the ability to use gift certificates.

Gift certificates function in a similar fashion to the existing coupons feature in that they can be given to customers to allow them to receive a discount on the items they are going to purchase. The key difference is that gift certificates can be segregated into groups and the generation of gift certificates can be automated.

With this in mind if your store is going to distribute thousands of codes – then gift certificates would be used instead of coupons to make the process less labour intensive.

To use gift certificates you simply need to follow the below steps:

Within the gift certificate section of the store admin you need to create a “Gift certificate” group the gift certificate defines the rules that the gift certificate must conform to e.g. discount amount, start / end date etc.

Each group can contain an unlimited number of gift certificates that will be automatically generated based on the rules for the group you define.

gift cert group admin

The below table summarizes the fields for the gift certificate group:


The gift certificates are now ready to distribute to your customers, you can view all the gift certificates for the group, and quickly and easily see if they have been used by a customer and which order they were applied to:

view gift certs

Individual gift certificates can be disabled / deleted or the entire group can be disabled meaning no gift certificates in that group will be valid to use. It is also possible to export a groups gift certificates in .CSV format so they could be processed by some 3rd party application.

If you have any feature requests please contact us and we would be happy to discuss them with you.

Product Now Supports Datasheet

  August 12, 2011 15:29
by Nigel

Continuing our discussion on new features in release 1.4 of the DotNetNuke ecommerce solution Cart Viper we are going to look at the ability to attach a PDF datasheet to a product.

To attach a datasheet to a product you 1st need to upload the PDF file using the standard file manager from the “admin” menu, once this is complete simply navigate to the Cart Viper store admin and select the product you wish to select the file for.

You will notice we now have a datasheet section where you can use the standard DNN file selector to select the PDF file you uploaded in step 1:


In order to have the PDF outputted on your product details page you need to ensure the token [DATASHEET] is in the template ProductDetail.htm

product details template

This will then output a PDF icon that when clicked upon will display the PDF you uploaded – note for products that do not have a datasheet defined the PDF icon will not be outputted.


Calculate Shipping Costs By DNN Role

  August 12, 2011 15:05
by Nigel

One of the new features that was included in release 1.4 of Cart Viper the DotNetNuke ecommerce solution is the ability to calculate shipping costs based upon the DNN role of the user.

shipping by dnn role

As you can see in the above screen shot we have defined 4 shipping bands, so any customer that have the DNN role “registered Users” will be able to select from all 4 bands (provided their shipping address is in the United States and the weight of the items in their cart met the criteria for these bands).

However if the user was checking out anonymously or their DNN account did not have the role “registered users” they would only be able to select from the “Standard” or “Special Delivery” bands – provided their shipping address was in the United States and the weight of the items in their cart met the criteria for these bands.

The advantage of this feature is that you can give discounted shipping bands to loyal customers, Cart Viper can now calculate shipping costs based upon:

  • Real time shipping calculating via FedEx, USPS and UPS.
  • Define a standard shipping rate on all orders.
  • Define an unlimited amount of shipping rates by cart weight, speed of delivery and shipping destination.
  • Define an unlimited amount of shipping rates by cart subtotal, speed of delivery and shipping destination.
  • Define an unlimited amount of standards of shipping for each country e.g. saver, super saver, next day, etc.
  • Define the shipping charge as a percentage of the cart sub-total.
  • If no shipping rates are defined for a users country, customers are prompted to contact the store for a quote.
  • Optionally charge VAT or tax on shipping costs.
  • Optionally define a product as "free shipping" so regardless of the shipping rules in place, this product will not incur a shipping cost.
  • In store pick up option.

If your business has a shipping model that is not covered, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss it with you.